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We had our first three shows this week and they were amazing!
Thanks so much to the artists, the curators, and everybody who joined us for our first three nights.
We want to keep doing more of these and are in the process of trying to figure out how to keep paying the artists. Let us know if you have any ideas!
Any donations from this point on will go to future Cloud Cafe performances.
Thank you!
Cafe Management
With the outbreak of COVID-19, freelance artists have been among the first people to feel the economic hit. Many artists have cancelled tours, postponed gigs, and don't know when they will be able to go back to work. There is no paid sick time, and very little infrastructure to support our creative economy.
If you have the means, please donate! All proceeds will go to the performers!
Update: apparently GoFundMe takes a cut of each donation. You can donate for free on venmo: @derek-schwartz-3.
The next event will begin
3/24 at 6pm (est)
How to join: if you do not have Zoom already downloaded, download the free version of Zoom. Then, click the button above to join the show, and please keep your mic and video muted! Visit here for more help on how to join a meeting.
Each event has a 100 person limit, but if you can't join, or would rather just watch, you can stream below.
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